Friday, October 15, 2010

Guess what is in the tin?

by Ida Khoo @ Jwo Yi’s mummy
You like to play guessing game now. You ask me to let you play with the Yang Yang biscuit empty tin. I give it to you and you ran off with it. I'm in the kitchen and you come in again.

You said mummy guess what is in the tin and I said I don't know. Then you give me a hint by drawing it on the wall using your finger. I can tell it's a square shape thingy but not sure what is it. So I said it's your block. You said no guess again. Hmm......I can't think of anything that small and square that can put in the tin so I said I give up. Tell me what is inside.

You open the lid of the tin and show me. It's a red dice.

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