Friday, October 15, 2010

Jwo Yi being cheeky

by Ida Khoo @ Jwo Yi’s mummy
You are  very cheeky now. Last few weeks when your daddy is back in Shanghai you want him to brush teeth together with you. So you stand at the basin and you quickly take you daddy's tooth brush. Then your daddy said give me my tooth brush. This is mine and that is yours. Then you cheekily said this is mine not yours. That is yours.Then you laugh and laugh and laugh as your daddy tickle you.

The next morning again you do that to your daddy and end up daddy said okay that is your tooth brush from now on and your this so cute tooth brush is mine. Walau! You quickly snatch it back from daddy and give him back his tooth brush. Hahahahaha......

Then I still remember this, there is once I open my water bottle lid and put it on the table and fill my bottle with water. Half way I saw you come in and run out very fast and giggling. Then when I look at the table for my lid you stand outside the kitchen laughing and show me the lid in your hand. I said give me back and you ran off very fast to hide. Tell me are you cheeky or not? Then I tell you that you better give it back to me before I get you and you return the lid tot me.

What a cheeky Jwo Yi. I really beh tahan!

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